7 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

7 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

When a professional carpet cleaner is advising their clients regarding how to keep carpets clean, maintain them, and subsequently what the best ways to clean them are, it is as important that they explain what not to do, as it is to explain what to do.

What we mean by that is, as much as knowing what steps to take to clean carpets is important, it is every bit, if not more important, to know what to avoid. Specifically, what you are hoping to avoid are the many mistakes that people make when trying to clean their carpets, which will, at best fail to clean them properly, and in the worst cases, ruin them completely to the extent that the carpet or carpets in question need to be replaced.

If you have ever had to pay for new carpets we are sure you will agree that carpet cleaning mistakes can be costly. We want you to avoid those costly mistakes which is why we have highlighted the most common carpet cleaning mistakes for you so that you know what not to do when it comes to cleaning your carpets.

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistake #1 – Scrubbing Stains: It is tragic how many carpet stains are made worse because someone has panicked when a spill occurs. Instead of blotting up the offending liquid, they try scrubbing it which simply pushes the liquid and the stain deeper into the fibres to make them ultimately harder to remove, and spreads them across a wider area too.

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistake #2 – Using An Unsuitable Carpet Cleaner: It might seem positive that there is such a wide variety of carpet cleaners in the form of liquids and solutions, but we contend that it can be a problem. Having so many to choose from can confuse those buying them and, unfortunately, there are carpet cleaning solutions on the market that contain chemicals that can do more harm than good to carpets if used wrongly.
